John, the Senate just announced it's going on recess without passing a stimulus package – leaving millions of Americans in financial ruin, and failing to make voting safe this November.
This is outrageous. We are facing a national emergency at a level not seen since World War II, and our elected officials are taking the month off?
Add your name NOW to tell Congress to come back to work and get the job done.

Under the agreement just announced on the floor, the Senate is gone until September 8th, the day after Labor Day.
This is a stall tactic and it's unacceptable. This lost time could put millions of Americans over the edge of bankruptcy, and will prevent states from getting the funding and runway they need to make elections safe before November.
Congress can reconvene and do right by the American people – but they won't do it unless millions of Americans show our outrage. Add your name right now to send an immediate message demanding Congress get back to work and pass a stimulus package.
Our elected officials have a duty to serve the American people. And it's up to us to remind them of that.
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs