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Dear The Progressive readers,

I joined the team here at The Progressive magazine back in January, and though I was only able to work with my colleagues in person for a couple of months due to COVID-19 restrictions, I’ve had the best seven months working as the web editor and audience engagement coordinator (albeit from my noisy, often-too-hot apartment).

Since the coronavirus has firmly planted itself down in the United States (and our President has proven he has no plans to deal with it), there’s been a sense of urgency at The Progressive. Between covering the shortcomings of the Trump Administration, the growing Black Lives Matter protests and uprisings, and the final months leading up to the November election, we’ve been busier than ever.

Our work has never been more important, but it’s also never been more challenging. As the pandemic rages on, we—like many—are struggling to stay afloat. As our print and web coverage has increased, so have our expenses, making an already tight budget even more precarious.

The truth is, we work for you—our readers. We stay on top of Trump’s nonresponse to the ever-increasing COVID-19 death toll; we keep an eye on the current administration’s threats to the public school system; and we provide coverage of the protests against police brutality, and Trump’s violent, authoritarian response to them.

We work to provide you with fact-based, accurate, and investigative journalism to keep you up to date on the latest political news, but we couldn’t do it without your support.

The Progressive needs you, our loyal readers, to help us make it through this relentless pandemic. So we ask that you please take a moment to make a contribution of any size to help us keep doing our important work, each and every day.

Seven months ago, I had no idea this is what my job at The Progressive would look like—working from my tiny living room on my even tinier couch, communicating with my colleagues solely via phone call or email. It’s been a bumpy road, but it’s a road I am happy to travel. And I’m so glad you’re coming along for the ride.

Take care, stay safe, and, please, wear a mask.
Donate Now!

P.S. - A donation of any size goes a long way in supporting our work. Monthly sustainers who donate $5 or more receive a complimentary subscription to our print magazine as well. 

P.S. - The Progressive, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so your donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Many employers match donations as well, so please check with your H.R. department.

Copyright © 2020 The Progressive, Inc.

 30 West Mifflin Street, Suite 703 • Madison, Wisconsin 53703 • (608 )257-4626

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