
The climate crisis is accelerating -- and it’s time we address this issue as a nation.

As we’re faced with high unemployment rates, record-breaking natural disasters, a housing crisis, and more, it’s time we address the deeply rooted inequities within the climate crisis. Most of these impacts are hardest felt in underserved communities. This is not just an environmental emergency -- it's a nationwide disaster, and that's why I believe in the power of the Green New Deal.

I’ve dedicated much of my career to addressing the climate crisis. At a young age, I developed a passion for the environment when I realized the air my neighborhood wasn’t as clean as in other areas in town. Since then I’ve always believed that no kid should be forced to breathe polluted air just because of their zip code.

Passing the Green New Deal will take the immediate action that’s needed to address the climate crisis. Add your name to our petition if you want to see the Green New Deal passed. As San Diego grows, we can and should be a model for the nation with healthy, affordable, sustainable neighborhoods for all our families. The Green New Deal takes the meaningful steps needed to address the climate emergency, including renewable energy and transportation concerns. It also addresses the need for protection of those risking their lives working in the dangerous and harmful industries. Our workers will never be left behind. By shifting from reliance on fossil fuels to a greener industry, we can empower our workers and help them thrive in a safer work environment, providing advanced protections and wages that they’ve long deserved.

As part of the work I did with the Environmental Health Coalition and now on the City Council, I’ve worked to influence our environmental policies, pushing for more bold, progressive change -- that’s why in the city of San Diego, we’re well on our way to achieving 100 percent renewable energy and cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2035.

But we can do more. I’ve long pushed for the implementation of San Diego’s landmark Climate Action Plan, and that’s why I’m advocating for the Green New Deal. Bold reform and concrete plans are what we need to fix this problem.

In Congress, I’ll continue to push for the creation of jobs in clean energy, the increase of investments in energy efficiency and technology, the investment in world-class public transportation, and the transformation of the agriculture system for more sustainable farming.

I’ve always fought and will always fight to make sure our underserved communities are the first to benefit from implemented environmental policies. These communities have been on the front lines of pollution for far too long.

The types of changes proposed in the Green New Deal will create safer work environments and bring stimulation to our economy -- all while making the air safer to breathe for us and for future generations.

There's more work to be done here in San Diego and across the country. The time to act is now. Sign the petition: The federal government must invest in the Green New Deal. I will always choose to keep fighting for a brighter, greener, more affordable and sustainable community.

-- Georgette Gómez