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Larson: It's Time to Hire American

President Trump recently suspended the entry of certain guest workers into the United States, ordering federal officials to stop issuing green cards for the rest of 2020, with limited exceptions. These are necessary first steps towards halting the massive, harmful influx of foreign labor into the United States.

Nearly 50 million American workers have lost their jobs since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Corporate executives continue to use cheap foreign labor with an eye towards short-term stock gains - with little regard for the long-term impact on American workers.

Marie Larson, co-founder of the American Workers Coalition, echoes these thoughts in her op-ed "It's Time to Hire American":

"The intentional fallacy that H-1B holders are the world's best and brightest - and that Americans can't do the jobs - simply isn't factual, as the Americans who have suffered the indignity of training their foreign replacements have reported. America put the first man on the moon. Are we really to believe Americans are so incompetent now that we can't run a database?

Most citizens don't think so. Fifty-four percent of likely voters, including 65 percent of Blacks, believe that Americans would fill jobs currently occupied by foreign workers, including in tech fields, as long as the pay and working conditions were fair, according to a new Rasmussen poll.

If President Trump's suspension of most guest-worker programs remains in effect for its duration, half a million American workers or more will take jobs formerly reserved for foreign workers each year. That will cause American employment in STEM fields to boom."

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