we’re rolling out another way you can impact this election with Bend
the Arc. Read on below.
In February, we launched We Rise As One — Bend the
Arc’s campaign for Jews and allies to remove Trump and white
nationalists from office — and we’ve been busy since confronting Trump
and mobilizing Jews all across the country to take action in this
crucial election.
This month, we’re launching We Rise As One: Vote Out
Fear, a program where you can impact the election — safely
from home — by calling or texting swing Jewish voters in key
We have a full 3 months of voter contact you can
participate in, but we’re asking our supporters to
join early and pilot this with us.
Sign up for a Vote Out Fear phonebank
Call from where you are
Thursday, August 27 at 5:30pm ET /
2:30pm PT
Sunday, August 30 at 4pm ET / 1pm
You’ll find more dates
on the calendar
We’re starting this program in Florida! With its 29 electoral
votes, Donald Trump could win Pennsylvania, Ohio, Arizona, AND
Wisconsin — and still lose the election if Florida goes blue. And at
4% of eligible voters, Jewish Floridians could be a significant force
in making Florida be where Trump’s presidency comes to an end.
Bend the Arc volunteers are already making an impact in districts
across the country — this is a new opportunity to defeat Trump from
As a volunteer, you will be engaging swing Jewish voters to find
supporters and help them register for absentee ballots so they can
vote safely from home. You’ll have scripts, an easy-to-use-tool, and
live staff support. We can’t promise that every conversation will be
easy — but we can promise you’ll be making an outsized impact on the
Bend the Arc is a movement of tens of thousands of Jews all across
the country who are rising up in solidarity with everyone threatened
by the Trump agenda to fight for the soul of our nation.
We Rise As One is a national mobilization of Jews and allies across
the country to rise up in solidarity and build a country that is truly
for all of us. Sign up and keep an eye on your inbox for more ways to
impact the election.
RSVP for a “Vote Out Fear”
August 27 at 5:30pm ET / 2:30 pm PT
August 30 at 4pm ET / 1pm PT