Earth Overshoot Day is August 22nd

Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when our demand for the planet’s resources has outstripped Earth’s capacity to regenerate them in a year—depending on our consumption, the date moves each year. In 2020, Earth Overshoot Day falls on August 22nd. Tackling rapid population growth by empowering women and girls is one powerful way to #MoveTheDate to later in the year. Read more about how you can work for a more sustainable future for our planet with Population Connection.
PopEd's virtual summer and World of 7 Billion categories announced
PopEd adapted rapidly to the reality of running programs in the time of COVID-19, and has had a successful summer of virtual activities! Our first all-virtual Leadership Institute took place at the end of July, and webinar-style workshops have proved very popular with our teacher trainer network, allowing PopEd to make inroads into areas of the country often left out of in-person opportunities.
The annual World of 7 Billion student video contest opens for entries for the 2020-2021 school year on September 1st. This year, students will tackle one of the following global challenges in their 60-second videos:
- Promoting Environmental Justice
- Strengthening Global Health
- Reimagining Industrial Systems
Learn more about the contest on the World of 7 Billion website, and be sure to share the entry information with the teachers and middle or high school students in your life!
Join our course on population and climate change
Communications Manager Hannah Evans is leading a new, four-week course that explores how population, health, and the environment intersect. Each weekly session will cover a specific topic meant to provide attendees with a deeper understanding of how population relates to global issues like poverty, sustainable development, access to health care, climate change, and the health of our planet.
Registration is still open for the remaining sessions, and you can view any you missed on our website! We hope you join us for this timely and informative series.
Summer matching gift challenge!

A trio of generous donors are matching all gifts made to Population Connection—up to $175,000—with an equal gift to Population Connection Action Fund, now through August 31st. Your gift will make twice the impact on our education, advocacy, and outreach programs in 2020 and beyond.