I'm bcoming an international household name. 

Last week, my friends in Unganda attended a Liberty Conference in Kenya. At this conference, they ran into attendees from the US, Austria and India. All of them had already been informed of this campaign. We are truly doing something special to be able to reach people around the world, and it couldn't be done without your help!

Last night, or this morning in Australia, I appeared on a livestream the Unshackled, a Liberty based Australian show. On this show I brought up some very interesting concepts, like the need for minimum wage is created by an artificial surplus in labor, and an artificial cost of living due to taxes. I also explained that allowing the government to tax to legalize cannabis is no different than paying ransom to kidnappers. You can watch the full interview below.

Please make sure to like, comment on and share this video!

We have a new donation page up to continue with these efforts. If you want to support what we are doing and help us to reach and even larger audience, please donate today.

In Liberty,

Dan Taxation Is Theft Behrman