We need the full force of good faith conservatives like yourself to put us on a standing to have a fair fight against the left and their elitist donors.
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Americans and the good people of Minnesota now have a decision I never thought we would have to make. 

It is one between anarchy and order, holding China accountable vs. allowing Chinese Communist Party dominance, America first vs. Socialism. 

Conservative Jason Lewis vs. Chuck Schumer’s puppet Tina Smith. 

Their stances are clear, and they couldn’t be more different from one another. 

The left is now in a place that even Obama wouldn’t recognize. The Dems want to dismantle our police, economy, institutions, and love of country. 

Chip in any amount you can spare to the campaign and our efforts to FLIP MINNESOTA RED. The election is soon, and the consequences could be dire if we fail.  

We need the full force of good faith conservatives like yourself to put us on a standing to have a fair fight against the left and their elitist donors. 

I wouldn’t be asking unless it was necessary. 





Donate any amount here. Even $20, $15, or a dollar makes a difference in this high-stakes fight. 

Tom S. 
Campaign Manager 
Jason Lewis for U.S. Senate  

Paid for by Jason Lewis for Senate

Jason Lewis for Senate
PO Box 4515
St. Paul, MN 55104

This message reflects the opinions and representations of Jason Lewis for Senate. You are receiving this email because you signed up as a member of Jason Lewis for Senate's online community. 

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