
Over 160,000 Americans have died from COVID. Read that again. 

Per usual though, McConnell and Trump are REFUSING to help. Instead they’re exploiting the crisis to push through their corporate agenda.

We’re fighting back by exposing their corruption. For exploiting the crisis instead of helping struggling Americans, we're calling them exactly what they are: #COVIDSHITBAGS. Donate to get our message to voters: They’re putting their donors over YOUR life. That’s why we MUST vote them out.

McConnell and Trump are the #1 and #2 COVIDSHITBAGS. While McConnell is holding up Senate negotiations to push for protecting big corporations from coronavirus lawsuits, Trump is focused on pushing through more tax cuts for the rich and on gutting Social Security and Medicare.

Over the weekend Trump promised executive action to cut payroll taxes. Not only would cutting payroll taxes do literally nothing to help 50 million+ unemployed Americans (you have to get a paycheck to get this tax cut), it would also completely gut the funding for Social Security and Medicare. As if that isn’t enough, on Monday Trump declared he would consider a capital gains tax cut - something that would only help wealthy investors.

At the same time, McConnell has staked his approval of relief on corporate immunity from coronavirus lawsuits. He wants to protect corporations like meat-processing companies that expose their workers to COVID-19. Workers are literally dying, but McConnell is demanding that corporations putting their lives at risk can’t be sued. Seems like the priorities of a #COVIDSHITBAG.

Here’s what Trump and McConnell’s proposals have in common: They have NOTHING to do with helping Americans struggling in the pandemic. Instead, they’re using the pandemic to ram through policies demanded by their wealthy donors and corporations.

Donate today to fight back against McConnell and Trump’s anti-worker proposals that do nothing to help families or communities in need. Your support is what makes it possible to expose their corruption and make sure our message gets to voters.

Thank you for fighting for a pandemic response that demands real relief for struggling Americans, not handouts to billionaires and corporations.


HAZMAT America

PS: We're tracking the pandemic profiteers and greedy politicians exploiting the coronavirus crisis for personal and political gain, and holding them to account. Check out the latest at

PPS: Call out the biggest #COVIDSHITBAGS and help fund relief for struggling tipped workers at our new webstore!


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