"...much better news would be an end to the Israeli government's de-facto annexation of the West Bank through ongoing settlement expansion, and steps to reverse Israel's occupation of the West Bank."
Hadar Susskind, APN President and CEO, regarding the news of Israel and the UAE reaching a normalization agreement.
August 10, 2020 - The Beirut Explosion
Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
Q. Was the massive Beirut explosion of August 4 a game-changer? A regional grand strategic event?
A. Almost certainly...
Q. Let’s start with Israel. The apocalyptic explosion in Beirut caught Israel in the midst of a health, economic and political crisis, a mindless descent toward yet another round of elections, and even minor border confrontations with Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza. Did the explosion change any of this?
A. Not in the short term...
Q. Do Lebanese see it this way?
A. Lebanese have understandably mixed feelings toward Israel...
Q. But are there military and security ramifications for Israel?
A. First and foremost, there is a Haifa factor...
Q. And turning to the region?
A. Lebanon can now be said, without qualification, to join its other neighbor, Syria, as failed Levant states...
Q. Bottom line?
A. Lebanon apparently does not need or want Israeli assistance right now...
Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived
- Bills, Resolutions, and Letters
- Hearings and Markups
- On the Record
ACTION ALERT: Prevent an unjust eviction in East Jerusalem
Unless the Israeli Supreme Court rules in their favor, the Sumarin family will soon be evicted from their East Jerusalem home where they have lived for generations.
Urge your Congressional Representative to speak out against this injustice by signing a letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu initiated by Rep. Jackie Speier. TAKE ACTION >
Webinar: "A Generation Awakens: Israel’s anti-Netanyahu Protest" with Dina Kraft
Monday, August 17, 12:00 pm Eastern
Week after week, tens of thousands of Israelis – most in their 20s and 30s – are flooding the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to protest government corruption, and to demand democracy and justice. American-Israeli journalist Dina Kraft will describe these unprecedented protests, and discuss what it means for Israel's Israel's peace movement.
PeaceCast Episode #144: "The Occupation as Apartheid" with Michael Sfard
Michael Sfard is one of Israel’s leading human rights lawyers and legal counsel of Peace Now (Shalom Achshav) and others. He is the author of the recent Yesh Din commissioned report, “The Occupation of the West Bank and the Crime of Apartheid: Legal Opinion."
In this episode, taken from APN's August 10 webinar, Sfard talks about his report and what it means.
Subscribe to APN's PeaceCast at iTunes or Google Play
Jerusalem Post Editorial: "Bibi needs to say something about convicted Jewish terrorist Yona Avrushmi"
As a result of a interview aired on Israeli TV, police have opened an investigation into the convicted murderer of Peace Now demonstrator Emil Grunzweig in 1983. The murderer, who was released from prison in 2011, referred to current Israeli protesters as "germs" and that there were "young men" who would harm them.
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