Hi John -- We wanted to check in with you about some of the work Mary Gay has been up to.
Over the past few weeks, Mary Gay has gone up against Trump’s Attorney General Willam Barr, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. She continues to prove herself to be a tireless fighter for the people -- no matter which Trump ally or billionaire she’s facing.
She held AG Barr accountable for spreading conspiracy theories around corruption, demanded that Big Tech companies Apple, Facebook, and Google be held accountable for their abuses of power, and she held Amazon accountable for their predatory pricing tactics. These tactics are used to drive down prices, ultimately killing competition from small businesses.
We’re proud of the commitment Mary Gay brings with her to Washington -- and we hope you are, too.
While Mary Gay has been focused on holding our leaders and major corporations accountable, she has been working to secure the resources families in southeast Pennsylvania and across the country need to get through these challenging times.
We are now waiting for Mitch McConnell’s Senate to vote to pass the Heroes Act, but in the meantime, Mary Gay joined her colleagues in the House to pass bills that will expand quality child care once the bills are passed in the Senate. These bills will strengthen our nation’s child care infrastructure long after the end of the pandemic -- an investment that is long overdue.
There is so much work ahead of us, but as long as we have leaders like Mary Gay advocating for us in Washington, we will have someone committed to the fight for progress. You can pitch in here to keep Mary Gay working hard for the people of southeast Pennsylvania after this November: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/marygayforcongress-nd
We’ll be sure to keep you updated on Mary Gay’s efforts in the coming weeks.
As always, thank you for being part of this team.
-Team Scanlon

Paid For By Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore PA 19081 United States
