Pass the HEROES Act!

Dear John,

I am writing to urge you to register for Sunday's Town Hall on the Unemployment Crisis.   Our goal is 1000 registrations.  Today we have reached 927 so far. Can you help us reach 1000 by midnight? Click here to register.

Trump's executive orders will do little to help address the growing crisis faced by unemployed working families -  if they even prove to be legal.

It's time for the people to rise up and demand the Senate pass the Heroes Act. The $600 unemployment supplement must be passed! Call your Senator at 866-832-1560.

These issues and more will be discussed at the Town Hall Forum on the Unemployment Crisis on Sunday, August 16, at 8:00 PM Eastern, 7:00 Central, and 5:00 Pacific.

The forum will feature conversations with Elise Bryant, President of the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW); Kooper Caraway, President, Sioux Falls Central Labor Council; Brad Crowder, Austin Unemployed; Bill Fletcher, Executive Editor of the Global African Worker and former director of TransAfrica Forum; Joe Henry, President, Iowa League of Latin American Citizens; and Judith LeBlanc, Director, Native Organizers Alliance.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) shrank by 10% and unemployment is sure to increase. It's time to get organized!  
Click here to register.

Talk soon,


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