Hello, John! Here is your monthly update from Prevention First about programs, training, resources and prevention news from trusted sources.
By all these lovely tokens, September days are here. With summer’s best of weather and autumn’s best of cheer.

Helen Hunt Jackson
Illinois Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) will be hosting our tenth “Dome Shift” Conference in Springfield, Illinois. Dome Shift 2019 is an opportunity for our Illinois youth to participate in substance abuse prevention and traffic safety advocacy.  

DomeShift will be held in Springfield, IL at the President Abraham Lincoln DoubleTree Hotel. On September 23, 2019, registration opens at 5:00 p.m. and DomeShift will officially start at 7:00 p.m.

This year students will attend workshops in traffic safety, alcohol misuse, suicide awareness and mental health.

All Youth Advisory Committees should be sending representation to DomeShift

If you have any further questions contact us at [email protected]
Have You Seen Our New Training Catalog?

Check out our new Training Catalog to learn about our resources and services, meet our TTA Specialists, read our training descriptions and policies, and view our FY20 Training Calendar! The catalog is available on our SUPP Training Page and print copies will also be available at training events. 

Click the pic to go to the catalog for downloading or view.
E-Cig and Vaping resources added to Virtual Clearinghouse
There is a now a section in the Virtual Clearinghouse on the Prevention First website with resources for E-cigarettes and Vaping. Resources include printed materials, presentations, and helpful links. Stay tuned for more materials to be added periodically.

Click the image to visit the section.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has released the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the nation’s leading data collection resource on mental health and substance use among Americans.

“This year’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health contains very encouraging news: The number of Americans misusing pain relievers dropped substantially, and fewer young adults are abusing heroin and other substances,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar. “At the same time, many challenges remain, with millions of Americans not receiving treatment they need for substance abuse and mental illness.”

Some of the findings in the 2018 NSDUH show the number of individuals reporting prescription opioid misuse decreased from 2017 by nearly 11 percent, while Heroin-related OUD also decreased significantly with adults aged 18-25. There was also a dramatic decrease in the use of illicit substance, alcohol and tobacco by pregnant women.

The full NSDUH report is available at SAMHSA
CDC: Too Little Naloxone Being Dispensed in Areas That Need it Most

While there has been a dramatic increase in prescribing of Naloxone from 2017 to 2018, a recent press release from the CDC says that far too little Naloxone is being dispensed in many areas of the country hit hardest by the opioid problem.

The opioid overdose reversing drug Naloxone can save lives but only if it is available in the event of an overdose. The study shows that Naloxone dispensing is 25 times greater in counties with a high-dispense rate than counties with low-dispense rates and that rural counties were 3 times more apt to be a low-dispensing compared to counties in metro areas.

Key findings of the study show that Naloxone prescriptions dispensed doubled from 270,00 in 2017 to 556,00 in 2018, but only one prescription is dispensed for every 70 high-dose opioid prescription nationwide.

The CDC recommends primary care providers consider offering Naloxone to all patients receiving high opioid dosages, patients with both opioid and benzodiazepine prescriptions, and those with opioid use disorder at risk of an opioid overdose.

You can see the CDC report here
As Vaping Lung Injuries Grow, Doctors Seek Answers

One person has died as a result of severe lung injuries linked to vaping. And it's not clear yet what the prognosis for others will be as cases mount and public health officials seek clues about their cause.

Read more
Prevention First
Fall Training

SUPS Provider Fall
Networking Event

Promoting the Illinois
Youth Survey to Schools

Foundations of Youth
Prevention Education

Establishing and Leading a
Youth Advisory Committee

Conducting Focus Groups

If you have any questions about training please contact Anne Cox, SAP TTA Manager at [email protected]
Technical Assistance from Prevention First

The technical assistance offered at Prevention First expands professional development beyond training to assist substance use prevention providers in applying what they have learned in their communities. Timely, flexible and provider-tailored technical assistance is available to meet the individual needs of providers. For more information about technical assistance or other services we offer, click email Provider Services.
SUP Supervisor Training Series

A new training series designed to support supervisors of Substance Use Prevention Program (SUPP) providers.

YIPES! Registered
and can't attend?

Canceling your registration in a timely manner will allow those on a waiting list to attend training.
Click Here  for directions to cancel your registration.

NAADAC Annual Conference 2019 - Navigating the Addiction Profession

American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence Conference

Illinois Certification Board
2019 Fall Conference

Missouri & Illinois Behavioral Health Conference

Cocaine, Meth & Stimulant Summit 2019
Webinars at
Prevention First

Perhaps you were busy during the live webinar...or didn't know when it was scheduled. We've got ya covered!

Check out the Recorded Webinar tab in the SUPP Training Events. In each description is a link to the recording. Simply complete the registration and submit. The recording will begin and you are ready to go! NOTE: No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.