Hi Reader,
Our summer member drive is over tomorrow, and we’d love to end it with your participation! Join us today with a donation of any amount to support the independent journalism that shines a light on injustice and spurs real-world change.
There’s been a growing sense of urgency in this country to ensure that the nation’s best reporters have the freedom, independence, and resources to shine a light on corruption and abuse of power at the very highest levels. We’ve seen our readership grow, and with it, our journalism: today we are the largest team of investigative reporters in the country.
We’re very busy with dozens of investigations in the works, and your support will help fund the work we’re doing on the Trump administration, racial injustice, health care and COVID-19 and more.
It’s so easy: in just a few short minutes, and with just a few dollars, you can make a difference by supporting the kind of journalism that rights wrongs and creates real-world change. Donate today, and help us end this fundraiser with a bang.
Thanks so much,
Jill Shepherd
Proud ProPublican