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Living in recovery

Embracing Your Needs and Asking for Help

A helping heart can really hurt us. Of course it feels good to lend a hand to a friend or family member, a colleague or a customer. But many of us—whether we work in a helping profession or we simply have a helping heart—are slow to accept any help in return, and we deprive ourselves of the splendid results.

When we help others and ask nothing in return, or our work lives demand a great deal of helping, it can be incredibly isolating. It denies us our own needs, and we become robbed of trusting relationships. Listen to or read Nina’s story of learning to ask for help and find acceptance for the many ways others can help you feel whole.

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Establish Your Needs with Boundaries

Your needs are entirely your own. No one can know them but you, and no one can voice them but you. Licensed therapist Anne Katherine explains the practice of setting boundaries and how they help you avoid relapse in a powerful excerpt from her book, Boundaries: Where You End and I Begin.

A Profession for Helpers

Are you looking for a career where you can put your helping spirit to wondrous use? Have you considered a career in addiction counseling? See if you have some of the most common personality traits for successful addiction counselors.

Save the Date

Online Event:
Betty Ford Center 38th Anniversary
Saturday, November 7, 2020

Until we can safely gather on the beautiful Rancho Mirage campus, we are pulling together the best of the festivities from the desert for you to enjoy from your own home. Watch for more information about this event soon.

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol or other drugs, call today for help.


For emergencies or other immediate needs, confidential resources are always available. The National Suicide Hotline can help with crisis situations:

1-800-273-8255 .

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Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
15251 Pleasant Valley Rd.
PO Box 11 RW19
Center City, MN 55012-0011