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Yesterday, presumptive Democratic nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden announced that Senator Kamala Harris (D-California) will be his vice-presidential running mate. Senator Harris is a far-left career politician with a history of pushing ideas and policies that are outside of mainstream politics. Harris was one of the first Democrats to actually co-sponsor Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vermont) single-payer Medicare for All and was a co-sponsor of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-New York) Green New Deal. Kamala Harris also voted against President Trump’s tax cuts that have hugely benefitted the American people, and she supports sanctuary cities that protect dangerous illegal aliens. Harris is so radical, she once actually compared U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the KKK. With Senator Harris as his VP pick, Joe Biden is doubling down on pandering to far-left extremists.     
Vice President Biden’s VP pick is without a doubt a win for President Trump. Rather than pick someone with an ounce of authenticity who could at least attempt to appeal to independent voters, Joe Biden went with Harris, who called him a racist just last summer. With Senator Harris as his running mate, Biden gave voters yet another reason to not vote for him this November. Americans don’t want a far-left career politician as president, and they certainly don’t want one just a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. For the sake of this nation, we cannot and will not allow the Biden-Harris ticket to win on Election Day. It is more imperative than ever for patriots across America to get out and vote for President Trump. 
Historic Job Growth Continues: The United States economy added an additional 1.8 million jobs in July, with the unemployment rate falling almost a full percentage point as a result. This is the third straight month of historic job gains and brings the total to more than 9 million jobs added back to the economy over these last three months. In order to support the American economy once the COVID-19 plague hit, President Trump created the Paycheck Protection Program, which is responsible for protecting more than 51 million America jobs. The president has also halted immigration into the United States so that American workers won’t have undue competition in the job market.  
The economy’s strength is a direct result of President Trump’s pro-growth policies over the last three and a half years. Under the Trump Administration, seven regulations have been cut for every new one. President Trump has also renegotiated trade deals that were unfair to our country in order to benefit the American people, with the USMCA being a major example. The USMCA alone is expected to add 176,000 jobs back to the economy. President Trump has done all possible to ensure that our economy can thrive through any challenges that may come our way. The American economy is truly experiencing a rocket ship rebound. The stock market is almost back to where it was before the coronavirus, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average at just under 28,000 as of yesterday. 
Joe Biden’s Disastrous Week: Last week, former Vice President Joe Biden decided to finally give an interview, and it could not have turned out any worse for him. Last Wednesday, Biden participated in an interview with a convention held by the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. In the interview, Joe Biden was asked if he took cognitive tests, and he responded by asking an African American reporter if he was a “junkie.” Joe Biden also stated, while participating in the same convention, “Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.” Biden was suggesting that all black people are the same, and he never truly apologized for either terrible statement.    
 No wonder Joe Biden’s handlers mostly refuse to let him out of his basement. Every time he tries to speak publicly, Biden embarrasses himself more and more. There is a difference between a gaffe and making blatantly racist comments, and that’s exactly what these statements were – racist. Biden also did this back in May when he told African Americans that if they consider voting for President Trump, then they “ain’t black.” Looking back at his time as a senator, Biden made racist comments back then too, saying that he didn’t want his children growing up in a “racial jungle” and quoting racial slurs on record multiple times. This is just who Joe Biden is, and when his handlers let him speak, his inner feelings come out. As I mention in a recent op-ed, Americans should get to see today’s Joe Biden for who he really is. More Americans will likely be voting by mail months before Election Day this year, and it’s vital that Biden agree to debate President Trump before the first ballot is cast. It’s time for Biden’s handlers to let him out of his basement and agree to earlier debates with the president.  
President Trump Provides Relief to Americans: On Saturday, President Trump signed four historic Executive Orders to provide relief to Americans as we battle the COVID-19 pandemic. The first, key, Executive Order provides a payroll tax cut until the end of the year for Americans earning less than $100,000 annually. The second EO extends unemployment benefits with beneficiaries receiving $400 per week moving forward. The third EO cuts the interest rates on student loans and suspends payments until the end of the year. Finally, the fourth EO extends the freeze on evictions to ensure Americans don’t lose their homes. President Trump decided to take bold action and sign the Executive Orders to help Americans after Democrats refused to come to the table in good faith and agree to a stimulus package deal with Republicans.  
 President Trump is using every tool at the federal government’s disposal to help Americans as the economy opens back up for business. These Executive Orders ensure that Americans have more money in their pockets to provide for their families during these trying times. It’s sad that Democrats attempted to play politics with the lives of Americans so they could get their liberal wish list, like stimulus payments for illegal aliens and $50 million for “environmental justice grants.” Democrats had an opportunity to enact real change for the benefit of Americans and refused to do so simply because President Trump and Republicans would not give into their far-left demands. The Democrats’ actions are despicable, but President Trump went ahead and gave the American people the critical relief they needed anyway. 
POTUS Outraises Joe Biden: In July, President Trump and the Republican National Committee raised more than $165 million, which surpassed the total raised in any month of the 2016 election. The fundraising total for Trump Victory in this election cycle is now more than $1.1 billion, and the campaign has $300 million cash on hand. In comparison, former Vice President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee only raised $140 million in July. Enthusiasm is squarely with President Trump as we head to the November election.  
 Former Vice President Joe Biden has struggled with enthusiasm, with President Trump’s supporters much more excited for their candidate than Democrats are for theirs. The fact that President Trump is able to outraise Joe Biden to such an extent is yet more proof that the American people are ready to re-elect the president to a second term this November. Before the coronavirus hit our shores from China, the economy reached great heights under President Trump’s leadership. Now, the Great American Comeback is underway as the economy recovers at a record pace unlike anything ever seen in our nation’s history. Americans have every right to be excited for President Trump as we head deeper into the election season. 
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