Kamala Harris made history yesterday. She's the first woman of color to join the presidential ticket of a major party -- ever.

And this is just the start. I know that once they take the White House, the Biden-Harris team will continue to break through barriers and make historic leaps every chance they get.

But, I also know that they're up against a self-proclaimed billionaire opponent who doesn't play by the rules. We need to give the Biden-Harris ticket every ounce of support we can muster, and that starts with a donation today. 

Can you split a donation between the Biden-Harris campaign and our re-election fund today?

Contributions will be split between Harley Rouda for Congress and Biden for President.


We have to throw our full weight behind Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Between gun violence, climate change, and women's rights, we can't afford to have the Trump Administration set us back any further.

It's up to each and every one of us to do our part to get Trump out of the White House. 

That's why I need to ask if you will split a donation today between our campaign and the Biden-Harris campaign today?

Biden-Harris 2020!

-- Harley



Harley Rouda serves California's 48th district in Congress. In 2018, Harley defeated the 15-term incumbent Dana Rohrabacher in the very first political campaign of Harley's life. During his time in Congress, he's embraced common sense and values to tackle climate change, address deteriorating infrastructure, confront homelessness, and protect Social Security and Medicare. In 2020, Harley will be facing one of the toughest re-election fights in the entire country, so he's depending on the support of grassroots individuals. If you want to support Harley's re-election, you can donate here. If you'd like to no longer receive emails from his campaign, you can unsubscribe.