Dear John

Tanzania: Youth with a Vision

I know your afflictions and your poverty – yet you are rich!
Revelation 2:9 (God to the church in Smyrna)

Emmanuel Kopwe

Tanzania’s people are some of the poorest in the world. But they are also rich in cultural diversity, youth, and most importantly, in spiritual vitality.

African Enterprise’s office in Dar es Salaam is small and looking for a new Team Leader under the current acting leadership of Emmanuel Kopwe. They report that the COVID-19 pandemic and elections due on the 28th October have certainly added to the challenges to ministry.

What can be done with so little in such a large city?

Under God, the AE Team have decided to focus on activities that encourage discipleship, particularly with youth. Youth with a Vision will be a formal forum that connects 800-1000 young Christian leaders across denominational lines. Using workshops and online methods, these leaders will be encouraged to have a vision for their city and equipped with Gospel training to equip them for a full scale city-wide mission in 2021.

Other big visions are:

  • Providing more substantial training of local evangelists to better handle the Word of God;
  • Establishing a national forum for church leaders – the Tanzania Christian Leadership Assembly (TACLA) to encourage Christian leaders to be advocates for the Kingdom of God in both church and society;
  • Continuing to develop ministry through media.
Dar es Salaam

Dar es Salaam Image:

Please pray for

  • Acting team leader Emmanuel Kopwe and the long term vision of AE Tanzania.
  • Pray for the resources to establish Youth with a Vision and for young leaders to set an example in life and godliness.
  • Training pastors for mission activities, especially for travelling evangelists in the lead up to citywide and home based evangelistic initiatives.
  • Creating a national forum for church leaders (TACLA) to advocate for Christian values and strengthen unity amongst churches.
  • Ministry through the media initiative to enable AE to provide Christian witness and counselling through online, radio and TV initiatives.
  • At least three million children aged below five in Tanzania are stunted due to poor nutrition. Pray for God’s mercy and provision for these little ones.
  • Please pray for the AE Tanzanian board as they navigate the various challenges to see the gospel proclaimed in the country.  On a wider note, please pray for the country’s response to the COVID pandemic, the support of front line medical workers and the wellbeing of the nation under Christ. Pray that the church will proclaim truth at all levels and for free and fair elections in Tanzania on 28th Oct 2020.

God bless you and thank you,

Ben Campbell
Chief Executive Officer
African Enterprise Australasia

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