Fellow Conservative,
in case you thought Biden was some sort of “moderate” Democrat, this should squash that narrative.
Harris led the effort to criminalize dissent in the matter of global warming, using her office’s investigatory powers to target and harass non-profit policy groups.
Until she was stopped by a federal court, Harris was laying subpoenas on organizations such as the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, a conservative-leaning group that is critical of Democratic global-warming proposals.
Harris’s self-serving prosecutorial abuses have been directed at political enemies, but they also put hundreds — maybe thousands — of people in jail or at risk of prosecution on wrongful grounds when it suited her agenda.
Like Kamala Harris, Wendy Davis too has made a career out of pushing her abortion-on-demand agenda and playing to her donors from Planned Parenthood.
She stood on the floor of the Texas Senate for 13 hours fighting against a bill that would ban abortions up until birth!
Harris's appointment is yet another example of the Radical Left trying to bring San Francisco values to Texas.
Nancy Pelosi is funneling her San Francisco donors into Wendy Davis’s campaign in TX-21, and now Kamala Harris is bringing her San Francisco policies to Texas on Biden’s campaign.