Local government resolutions for H.R. 763 hit 100; Watch August national call with climate scientist Dr. Kim Cobb

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  CCL Newsletter, August 2020
Table of Contents:
Torres cosponsors H.R. 763 
Take action this week 
Estate planning 
Depolarizing Within workshop 
Training topics 
Rep. Torres the latest
member to cosponsor
Energy Innovation Act 


For several months, Congress has focused on the coronavirus pandemic and the economic fallout that ensued. But in a sign that lawmakers continue to give attention to climate change, Rep. Norma Torres (D-CA) last week became the 82nd House member to cosponsor the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act.

“The #ClimateCrisis isn't going to solve itself,” Rep. Torres tweeted this week. “We need bold solutions to tackle a worsening problem impacting not only our livelihoods, but those of generations to come. To build a cleaner future & protect our planet, I'm cosponsoring H.R. 763 to put a #PriceOnPollution.”

You can show your appreciation by replying to and retweeting Rep. Torres’ post on Twitter.



Other news:

Resolutions for H.R. 763 top 100: One of the most powerful ways to generate congressional support for the Energy Innovation Act is to get local governments to pass resolutions endorsing the legislation. Last week, those resolutions reached an impressive milestone when Chapel Hill, N.C., became the 100th municipality to support H.R. 763. Combined, these local governments represent a total population of 21,567,912. Read more.

Household impact study: In 2016, prior to the introduction of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, CCL released a study of the financial impact that carbon fee and dividend would have on households. An updated version of that study, specific to H.R. 763, will soon be released. Watch this space!

Diversity, equity & inclusion: During our virtual conference in June, we offered a training on racism, privilege, diversity, equity and inclusion in the environmental movement, and we heard from guest speakers on those topics. Check out the video recap on Facebook.  


Take action this week 

If you have a little time: Watch Saturday’s national call with Georgia Tech climate scientist Dr. Kim Cobb. Dr. Cobb, who has done extensive research on the impact that climate change is having on coral reefs, is among the growing number of climate scientists stepping out of the lab to “go all in” on solutions. She shared some of the solutions she is pursuing as well as the changes she’s made in her personal life to reduce her carbon footprint.

If you have more time: Talk to your family to be sure that they are registered to vote at their current address so that they can request a ballot by mail in September (in states that allow this). Then ask your family members to each talk to 3 friends about voting. Share CCL’s voting page, cclusa.org/vote, where everyone can do both. 

You can also connect with your nearest CCL chapter to take action in your community, or join one of CCL’s national online Action Teams to take action on specific topics like agriculture, health, faith, and more. 

Browse CCL Community’s Event Calendar to find upcoming events, trainings, and calls you can join.
Estate planning can be easy and free 

Why does Ashley Skoch, a 30-something world-travelling adventure seeker, think that everyone from age 18 to 88 should have a legally valid estate plan? Because, she says, “every great adventure has a contingency plan!” And because expecting the unexpected is the best way to savor the journey. You can read her story here.

This month, CCL is celebrating national “Make a Will Month” by sharing the stories of our Citizens’ Climate Legacy Club Donors. They’ve let us know that they’ve made an estate plan, and CCL is a part of it. You’ll hear from global adventurers like Ashley, and also CCL board leaders like Mary Selkirk. Toward the end of the month, Community will host a new page where you can read the stories of our Legacy Club Donors and share your own story as well. We draw from these stories as a source of inspiration, showing that CCLers are dedicated to ensuring a healthy planet across generations. And by extension, they’re empowering a grassroots network that won’t stop until we’ve reached 350 ppm or lower in our atmosphere!

If you’re thinking, “Well, I don’t have an estate plan,” you’re in good company! Nearly 70% of American adults lack a will or legally valid estate plan. To help, CCL is offering a complimentary service with our partner FreeWill. You can visit their secure portal here to make a free, legally valid will in 20 minutes or less. 



If you have a story to share, please email Topher Anderson at [email protected].

Chapter development: Depolarizing within

Our toxic political environment is one of the biggest obstacles to progress on climate solutions. That toxicity starts with conversations we have with like-minded people about those who hold differing views from our own. Braver Angels offers a workshop to help groups depolarize from within. You can sign up for the next available training on Sept. 26.

This workshop is also a great option to do with your CCL chapter, to develop your group’s ability to connect with people all along the political spectrum.  Consider signing up for future dates together. The workshop will be offered in October, November, December and beyond.

Training topics

CCL offers two ongoing learning series: Citizens' Climate University for existing volunteers, and Core Volunteer Training for new volunteers. Here are the next few sessions you can join: 

8/13 Citizens' Climate University: The Value of Better: International Updates - Joe Robertson, CCL's Global Strategies Director, shares a new initiative focused on addressing and improving the design of industrial systems and economic incentives, along with deep-rooted long-running societal injustices. Learn more.

8/18 Core Volunteer Training: Planning & Practicing Lobbying Meetings - Never been to a meeting with your member of Congress? This training will show you how to prepare and what to expect. Learn more

8/20 Citizens' Climate University: Legal Pathways for Deep Decarbonization - One approach to cutting greenhouse gases is through the courts. This training covers the research that identifies over 1,000 legal options for cutting emissions. Learn more.   

To see upcoming topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.
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