Friend, I think you and I have something in common…
You see, we both believe that whoever wins the most popular votes should become President of the United States!
And we're both frustrated and angry, because we now have a man in the Oval Office who failed to get the most popular votes.
And yet there he is. Embarrassing us around the world. Shutting down the government longer than any president in history. Dangling pardons in front of people who break the law at his behest.
However -- instead of just indulging in the American pastime of trashing Trump… here at Common Cause, we are DOING something about how we elect our president. We are taking action! And that’s exactly why I'm writing this message to you.
We are utilizing all of our resources to convince Americans and elected officials in all 50 states that we absolutely must fix the broken Electoral College.
Can it be done in our lifetime? Yes! But only if enough states pass the National Popular Vote Compact.
You may already be familiar with this new way to elect our nation’s president. But just in case you’re not...
The National Popular Vote Compact is an agreement among states to guarantee the presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
And when could this take place? Just as soon as states totaling 270 electors -- a majority -- join in. AND... we are now closer than you might think! Because 15 states and the District of Columbia have already signed on. That give us 196 electors!
But the remaining states? Therein lies the struggle. We must expend all our energy and resources to bring more of them on board. And it must happen -- because we must reform the anti-democratic way we elect the president.
That’s why Common Cause has prioritized winning National Popular Vote in as many states as possible this year -- and we’ve already helped bring Colorado, New Mexico, Delaware, and Oregon on board. We have real momentum, which is why in the coming months Common Cause must ramp up our efforts even more.
If you agree it’s time to fix the broken Electoral College, then I want you to know the most effective way to do that is by becoming a Guardian for Democracy. You’d be joining a special group of Common Cause Members who, with a small monthly contribution of $5, $15, or even $25, enable us to put in the day-in, day-out grassroots organizing it’ll take to bring National Popular Vote over the edge.
Maximize your impact by signing up as a Guardian for Democracy by TOMORROW, August 31st -- and to say thanks, we’ll send you a free copy of Robert Reich’s latest book, “The Common Good.”
Yes, I'll help fix the broken Electoral College (and claim my free book!) >>
No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly gift right now.
The antiquated “winner-take-all” Electoral College system must be changed so that voters in all 50 states have a say in choosing our president.
We can’t allow the presidential candidate who fails to receive the most votes to occupy the Oval Office -- which has happened in two out of the last five presidential elections!
I hope we can count on your support. And, there is no time to lose -- because we are opposed by powerful forces who have deep pockets.
Thank you for reading,
Jesse Littlewood, Vice President for Campaigns
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. More than 3,700 Members have already signed up as Guardians for Democracy with an average monthly commitment of $17. Please let me know you’ll also do your part by tomorrow, August 31st! Thank you.