Demand accountability for the officers who killed him.
Dear Friend,
“Allah? He’s not going to help you now.”
Those are the words of Phoenix police officers as they insulted his Muslim faith and then murdered Muhammad Muhaymin Jr. in the parking lot of a community center. They pressed their knees on his neck, head, and body until he vomited and went limp.
To this day, the officers who degraded and killed Muhaymin have not been fired, charged, or arrested. Click here to demand justice for the Muhaymin family.
Muhaymin was murdered because he needed to use the bathroom. Instead of allowing him to bring his service dog, a chihuahua named Chiquita, into the restroom at Maryvale Community Center, management called the police and falsely reported an assault. Phoenix Police arrived at the scene, and instead of holding the community center accountable for filing a false report, they looked for an excuse to arrest Muhaymin while he was using the restroom.
New body camera footage was recently released showing how cruel these officers were to Muhaymin in the last minutes of his life. He pleaded with them that he could not breathe and cried out to God, “Please Allah.”
“Allah? He's not going to help you now” the offers responded, as they killed him.
There are two people who can get justice for Muhaymin’s surviving family: Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and Maricopa County Attorney Allister Adel. Neither of them were in charge when this murder happened in 2017 — but they’re in charge now — and they oversee the offices that have the power to fire, charge, and arrest all of the officers involved and appoint a special criminal prosecutor to handle this case.
Mayor Gallego and County Attorney Adel need to hear from you. Will you message them right now?
“When my brother loved, he really loved.” That’s how Muhaymin’s sister described him. And that was the love he showed in the last moments of his life as he begged the police to call his sister to take Chiquita.
Even in his death, the police dismissed his humanity: instead of calling his sister, they gave his dog away to a bystander.
We are working with advocates on the ground in Phoenix and people of conscience nationwide to demand justice for the Muhaymin family. We are determined to build on the advocacy that others, including the Muhaymin family, have already done, as well as keep up the pressure and demand action until we get justice for this murder.
Click here to demand justice for Muhammad Muhaymin Jr. and forward this email to others. This will take all of us, together.
Scott Simpson
Public Advocacy Director
Muslim Advocates