PFAW Member, we had to make sure you saw this urgent message from PFAW co-founder Norman Lear about dire threats to the U.S. Postal Service. THANK YOU to everyone who has already watched and shared the video. We're now nearing ONE MILLION total views across online platforms! Please continue to share far and wide, and if you haven't had a chance to see the video yet, please check it out now! PFAW Member, I’m writing to you about an urgent issue. At this moment, the U.S. Congress is making critical decisions about the future of the U.S. Postal Service, an organization that has knit our country together from the very beginning but now faces an existential threat. I hope you will join me in fighting back. PFAW’s nonpartisan affiliate People For the American Way Foundation has released “Defend Our Post Office,” a video that I hope you’ll share with your friends on social media. As you’ll see, it’s a beautiful 1-minute “love letter” to the Postal Service. There’s no talking. The images and music tell the story, reminding us what the Postal Service means in our lives. And truly, what institution binds Americans together more than the Postal Service? Even before the Constitution made us the United States, the Postal Service was connecting people who lived in cities and those who were far from them. It still does. The Postal Service is under attack from multiple angles and most recently we saw reports that it was going to cut back on essential services because of funding constraints. We just can’t let it happen. Would you be willing to take two quick actions to defend our Postal Service? First, go to to watch the video and share it far and wide. And then, put in a call (at 1-844-230-5065) or add your name to the petition to tell your U.S. senators to pass the $25 billion in emergency Postal Service funding already passed by the House in the current COVID relief bill. Thanks, friend! Norman Lear ![]()