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There will be no need to beat your opponents in debate or at the ballot box when you can simply seek criminal sanction against them and anyone else who espouses their views, says Stephen Daisley.
More than 20 artists, authors and campaigners including leading nationalists and allies of Nicola Sturgeon have joined calls for the proposals to be altered.
The commissioner charged with engaging unregistered yeshivas (Jewish faith schools) on child safeguarding has said it is "like playing whack-a-mole" because they up sticks and move once detected.
The Halal Monitoring Committee persuaded a judge to throw out the case brought by a group of butchers and wholesalers who said it was unreasonable for the charity to withdraw its approval from companies that sold the meat of animals that were stunned before killing.
The Charity Commission has opened a statutory inquiry into the Birmingham Education Trust, which is based at the Al-Huda Girls' School in Saltley. The trust funds and operates an independent school which promotes the teaching of Islam to Muslim girls.
The government have reportedly paid companies connected to the Exclusive Brethren hundred of millions of pounds to provide ventilators and PPE equipment during the pandemic.
The Charity Commission has been urged to intervene to address "the failures of the Archbishops' Council of the Church of England to devise a safe consistent and fair system of redress" for victims and survivors of abuse.
As research shows social integration is key to fostering positive attitudes toward people of different religions and beliefs, Megan Manson says we should challenge the segregation and division inherent to faith schools.
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