Missouri Green Party

Jack --

Forum and Book-Signing Event: Missouri Green Party

Great News!  Our Missouri Green Party Member and Chairperson Don Fitz, from St. Louis, has written a book about Cuban Healthcare and the book has been published!  

Here is a link to reviews about the book thus far: https://monthlyreview.org/product/cuban-health-care/

Panelists include:  

Angela Walker, Vice Presidential Candidate for the US

Margaret Flowers, Co-Chair Green Party, US

Don Fitz, Chairperson Missouri Green Party and author of "Cuban Healthcare--The Ongoing Revolution"

Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate and a longer life expectancy than does the US while spending about 5% per person annually on health care.

The book traces the development of healthcare in Cuba that made this possible.

Deaths from COVID-19 on July 15 numbered 135,991 in the US and 87 in Cuba. Though its population is only 30 times that of Cuba, the US had 1,563 times as many deaths.

When:  Saturday, August 22, 2020

Where:  Online, via Zoom

Register in advance for this meeting:

Time:  11:00 a.m. to 12:00 

To pre-order your book and have it signed by Don, contact Don Fitz, [email protected]

or call 314-727-8554


Missouri Green Party Outreach


Missouri Green Party · MO, United States
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