This year's election is one of the most consequential Presidential elections in modern history. In just 84 days, voters will decide whether to leave the future of our climate and our planet in the hands of Donald Trump, who has attacked every clean air and water, public lands and climate safeguard we have, or make a change and elect Joe Biden, an environmental champion with a detailed plan to address the climate crisis and create jobs while centering equity and environmental justice.
I'm proud to announce the Sierra Club endorses Joe Biden for President along with his running mate Kamala Harris—a fierce leader who knows how the climate crisis impacts all of us, and is ready to implement her bold solutions to protect our communities. Effective immediately, we plan to put the full strength of Sierra Club Independent Action—the largest volunteer effort in Sierra Club history—behind the former Vice President and his plans for clean energy and environmental justice.
Supporter, this is so important that a generous donor has agreed to match every gift up to $150,000—DOUBLING the impact of every donation. I'm hoping you'll be one of the first supporters to get on board with a generous donation—can we count on you for a gift right now?
Please, rush a MATCHED donation to Sierra Club Independent Action now to help us defeat Donald Trump and put Joe Biden, the strong environmental champion we need to lead the country, in the White House.
When we conducted our first-ever poll for a presidential endorsement with our members and supporters, an overwhelming 95% of respondents wanted us to endorse Biden. Here's why.
Joe Biden has put forth the boldest climate policy platform we've ever seen from a presidential nominee. Biden's plan, created in collaboration with policy experts, elected officials and other Democratic candidates (notably Gov. Jay Inslee and Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders) centers equity and environmental justice while recognizing the urgency of the climate crisis and presenting an opportunity to create millions of needed, good-paying jobs.
Given the alternative is four more years of Donald Trump—four more years of outrageous giveaways of public lands to his Big Energy donors…four more years of disastrous budget cuts to the EPA and Interior Department…four more years of sacrificing communities to support polluters and silencing scientists—we need to scale up our communications and field plans right away. And we need your help to do it.
Please, rush a generous donation to Sierra Club Independent Action now to help Joe Biden defeat Donald Trump and begin to reverse four years of damage to our wildlife, public lands and human health.
Supporter, it may still seem like a long time until November 3. But it isn't. Even as I write, global temperatures are rising, glaciers and ice caps are melting, and communities across the country are suffering because of Donald Trump's racist and environmentally regressive policies.
Starting right now—before you even finish reading this email—we must come together and do everything in our power to elect Joe Biden, who will hasten the country's transition off dirty fossil fuels and onto 100% clean, renewable energy. Please, join me in supporting Joe Biden with your MATCHED donation today.
Thank you for your solidarity and support again today.

Michael Brune
Executive Director
Sierra Club
P.S. I've never made any secret of my strong feeling that Donald Trump is the worst president ever for our clean air and water, and must be defeated. Please, help us end the Trump presidency with your donation to Sierra Club Independent Action now.
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