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Is Democrat Christina Hale California dreamin’?

Hale was first endorsed by San Francisco’s own Nancy Pelosi, and last week, California Senator and (and now Democrat Vice Presidential nominee) Kamala Harris said she was supporting Hale, too.

With all of these California liberals jumping in to support Hale, it makes you wonder if Hale were a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, how would she vote – with Hoosiers, or with left coast socialists like Harris and Pelosi?

We all know the answer to the last question.

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This November, the choice couldn’t be clearer when it comes selecting Indiana’s voice in Congress from the 5th District. We must keep this seat in Republican hands, and we do that by electing Victoria Spartz. She’s a businesswoman, a community leader, and she’s got a track record at the Statehouse of fighting to limit regulations, reform health care, and improve our schools.
California and the coastal elites already have enough influence in Washington – let’s not let them gain a congressional district in Indiana, too. They’re endorsing here, and they’re spending their out-of-state campaign dollars here. Would you chip in a today to help us protect Indiana’s voice from California’s influence and money?

Is Hale California dreamin’? If she wins, her dream will quickly become a nightmare for Hoosiers.
Let’s send her a wake-up call.
-Your Indiana Republican Party

Send California Liberals Pelosi & Harris a Wake-Up Call >>
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