If we are serious about providing relief to the working people of this country who are struggling financially during this crisis, we need the Senate to act.

Friends -

As you may know, Donald Trump recently signed a series of executive orders. Not surprisingly, they will do nothing to provide meaningful relief to those who need it most during this pandemic. Further, his actions are just one more indication that Trump has contempt for the Constitution and the separation of powers, and is moving this country in an authoritarian direction.

Here is my message to Trump:

Stop being a fraud. Your executive order on housing is a cruel joke. Forty million Americans are in danger of being evicted and your "eviction moratorium" won't prevent one of them from being thrown out of their apartments or provide one cent to help pay the rent.

Now, Trump may not know it while playing golf with his wealthy friends, but millions of unemployed Americans are facing economic desperation. Many families now face hunger, lack health care and can't pay their bills.

If the GOP can provide $1 trillion in tax breaks for the rich, they can support the continuation of a $600 supplement for unemployment insurance. Not $400, not $300 — but $600. And that money needs to get out NOW, not some indefinite time in the future.

Finally, Trump's executive order for a payroll tax suspension is funded by taking money out of Social Security and Medicare. What an outrage! We will not allow Trump to defund and destroy these programs which are so vital to the well-being of the American people.

What is important to remember is not just what Trump did, but what he and the GOP are NOT doing. No new funding to combat hunger. No new funding to support financially strapped cities and states who are on the verge of making massive layoffs. No new funding for COVID-19 testing, health care, hospitals or for schools.

The Senate's indifference to the pain of the American people is disgraceful and cannot be allowed to continue. The Senate must act immediately to provide long-overdue relief to millions of working people who are suffering, in an unprecedented way, during this pandemic. That is why I am asking you today:

Please sign my petition — tell Mitch McConnell to let the Senate vote on legislation to extend the $600 unemployment supplement, the federal moratorium on evictions and other provisions that will stabilize the economy and help workers.

Trump and Senate Republicans have made their priorities clear. They want to defund Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment benefits. They want to dismantle the Postal Service. And they want to give more tax breaks for the 1% and corporate welfare for defense contractors.

We cannot allow this to happen. We must stand up and fight back. The Senate must act.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders