It’s hard to imagine a crueler life and death for a dog than to be abused daily and then torn apart by another dog as spectators taunt and cheer. That is the grisly business — and ruthless crime — of dogfighting. And it’s why we need your help to combat this vicious crime and save innocent victims now.
In a dogfight, two dogs are put in a ring and forced to fight for “entertainment” and profit. A fight can last hours, until one dog is too injured or exhausted to continue or dies. Dogfighters often kill dogs who are either unable or unwilling to put on a “good” fight for the crowd by shooting, hanging, drowning, or electrocuting them. The credo in the dogfighting world is “breed the best and bury the rest.” Sadly, in any given litter of approximately 10 dogs purposefully bred for fighting, only one will actually live up to the expectations of dogfighters — the others just are not “game” enough. |
Outside the ring, canine victims are made to suffer for “training” purposes. They’re forced to wear heavy chains and run on treadmills; left outside in extreme weather without shelter; fed steroids and stimulants to make them aggressive; starved so they can “make weight” in a contract fight; and subjected to cruel amateur ear cropping, while females may be confined in “rape boxes” for breeding.
Due to the secretive, underground nature of dogfighting, it’s impossible to know how many dogs fall victim to this cruel illegal industry. Estimates are in the tens of thousands each year. But you can help bring an end to this cruelty and hold dogfighters accountable for their crimes. To power our campaign against dogfighting and animal cruelty, we need 250 donors to stand with us by making a lifesaving gift today. Can the animals count on you?
The Animal Legal Defense Fund is fighting back against dogfighting by working to ensure that no one involved in exploiting and profiting from this abuse is beyond the reach of justice. We’ve drafted a recommended amendment to state laws that would enable prosecutors to charge animal fighters under state Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) statutes.
RICO statutes were designed to prosecute organized crime. That’s what animal fighting is: an organized criminal enterprise powered by people who enable and facilitate dogs being abused from birth to death — all in the name of profit and bloody entertainment. When applied to dogfighting, our RICO amendment would give prosecutors greater power to pursue justice for the animals abused and killed by everyone involved in the dogfighting industry.
To strengthen our legal efforts, we need our members standing with us. The law is our greatest weapon against dogfighting and animal abuse of all kinds. And you are the best chance we have at succeeding. Please be one of the 250 donors we need to take a stand against dogfighting and all forms of animal cruelty and exploitation.
Thank you for being the kind of person who animals can count on. |
For the animals,
Stephen Wells
Executive Director
This email was sent to [email protected].
© 2020 Animal Legal Defense Fund
525 East Cotati Avenue, Cotati, CA 94931 | (707) 795-2533