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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 30 August


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Secularism in the media


Anti-RSE protesters accused of "misinformation" in leaflets

Leaflets claiming that new relationship education lessons will encourage primary school children to masturbate have been handed out in east London. Labour councillor Rohit Dasgupta said local officials had a "duty" to counter the "misinformation".

BBC News


Man found guilty of stirring up religious and racial hatred in anti-Muslim messages

A man who shared photos of himself with a gun alongside anti-Muslim messages has been found guilty of stirring up religious and racial hatred.

BBC News


CofE evangelism team to spend £100,000 on 'messy church' study

A grant of £100,000 has been awarded to the Church of England's Evangelism and Discipleship Team to study Messy Church groups.

Church Times


Fermanagh child abuse: Orange Order 'did nothing' over claims

Two women who have said they were abused by Orangemen as children claim the Orange Order "did nothing" when it was made aware of the allegations.

BBC News


Australia: Religious discrimination bill criticised as 'extraordinary foray in the culture wars'

The former Tasmanian anti-discrimination commissioner, Robin Banks, has branded the religious discrimination bill "an extraordinary foray in the culture wars" which would license offensive views about women, racial minorities and disabled people.

The Guardian


'Why you can still be fired in US for being gay'

In May the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives passed sweeping new civil rights protections for LGBT Americans. But the Republican-controlled Senate has yet to act.

BBC News


'Why renouncing your religion in Saudi Arabia can be deadly'

For Rana Ahmad, doubting the existence of God meant leaving her family behind – and becoming a refugee.

New Statesman


In case you missed it...


NSS asks council in north Wales to separate prayers from meetings

The NSS has asked councillors in Denbighshire to review their practice of holding prayers before meetings.


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