By fully investing in our military growth and modernization, we’re restoring deterrence so no country wants to challenge us. I don’t want a fair fight out there, I want to be superior — and this year's defense bill does that.
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Hi ,

By fully investing in our military growth and modernization, we’re restoring deterrence so no country wants to challenge us. I don’t want a fair fight out there, I want to be superior — and this year's defense bill does that.

This legislation also includes a long overdue PAY RAISE for our 2 million fighting men and women!

But House Democrats are trying to hold up this legislation by including a poison pill that would require us to cancel bases named after Confederate officers to be renamed.

Help me stand up to the liberals who are playing games with our national security by donating $35 to our campaign right now.


This defense bill will enable us to effectively counter Chinese aggression and protect American interests in the Pacific.It will put us on a strong military footing that no one will dare to test.

Now is not the time to put our national defense at risk by attempting to include a divisive political issue in this legislation. If Democrats want to rename Confederate bases, they should propose a separate bill to do so.

I've already told President Trump I won't let such a measure be included in this critical legislation. Our military funding is not a political football!

I need patriotic Americans like you, who support our troops, and stand for our flag, to band with me today. Join our campaign with a quick $70 donation right now.

It's up to you to show Democrats where the American public really stands on this critical issue. We have to defend our military from the liberals who want to use defense funding as a bargaining chip.

I'm depending on the financial support of grassroots conservatives like you to help me win this fight. I can't do this alone.

I trust I can count on your support today.

Thank you and God Bless,
Jim Inhofe
U.S. Senator |

Contributions to Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee are not deductible as charitable donations for tax purposes. Federal election law requires political committees and individuals to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for contributions $200 or more an election cycle may contribute up to $2,800 for the Primary election and $2,800 for the General election. Contributions are prohibited from corporations, labor unions, federal government contractors, national banks, nationals without permanent residency status, and from any individual contributing another’s funds. Not printed at Government Expense.

Paid for by Friends of Jim Inhofe
Friends of Jim Inhofe

PO Box 13300
Oklahoma City, OK 73113
