Hey John! OMG! I cannot thank everyone enough being part of the big Birthday and AAF Anniversary celebration week. I was fucking blown away by the support for me and for five years of AAF. Check out these sweet messages from the abortion providers we’ve championed and the talented folks who’ve joined us on the road! I'm so proud of my team and the work we do and can't thank YOU enough for being part of our team. HERE’S WHAT YOU’VE HELPED US DO!!! - Created 139 hilarious videos that educate folks about abortion access;
- Staged 52 awareness-raising comedy and music shows;
- Traveled to 37 states for clinic support and community building, and
- Sent over 6,200 notes of thanks and supporters to abortion providers!
Since 2015, we've used humor to destigmatize abortion and counter asshole anti-abortion extremists. It’s been a wild ride and I hope you’re by our side for 5 more years! Again, thank you SOOO much being an Abortion Access Front co-conspirator and confidant. It’s people like you that are going to get us through this total dumpster fire of a year and I’m proud to stand with you! xx  Lizz Winstead PS, If you haven't made a donation, we will gratefully accept belated birthday/anniversary gifts! Make a recurring donation of $15 or more and we'll send you your very own AAF shirt!! |