People like us are taking over our democracy!
From city councils and school boards to state legislatures and Congress, New Americans and BIPOC Americans—people like us—are flexing our political power to shake up politics as usual and change the face of leadership. Our next stop? The Democratic National Convention.
On Tuesday, August 18th from 12:00-1:30PM CT, we are excited to host the New American Takeover, an event featuring some of the boldest leaders in our movement, to keep critical conversations on representation front and center at the DNC and show that if any candidate wants to win in 2020, they need our support.
Some of our initial speakers include Georgia State Representative Bee Nguyen, Florida State Representative Dotie Joseph, candidate for New York State Assembly Jessica González-Rojas, and other badass New American leaders to be announced soon. Discussing everything from how we are working to dismantle white supremacy, combat anti-Blackness, protect our rights, and challenge establishment ideas of who can and should be in positions of power, this event is our opportunity to ensure that the Democratic Party recognizes the power women of color and our communities have.

So what do you say? Can we count you in? Let us know you'll join us at the New American Takeover at the DNC by claiming your free ticket now and using #NewAmericanTakeover on social media.
See you there,
Sayu Bhojwani
Founder and President
New American Leaders Action Fund
Help us build a democracy that represents and includes all people and support New Americans as they run for office, engage new voters, and expand civic engagement.