FBI raids UAW president as workers authorize strikes against Detroit 3
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By: Mark Gruenberg
FBI and Internal Revenue Service agents' raids on the home of United Auto Workers President Gary Jones, the union's conference center in outstate Michigan and offices of the foundation Jones previously set up in Kansas City could throw a wrench into union bargaining with the Detroit 3 automakers.
Game Workers Unite! Organizing to beat the video game bosses
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By: Dave McKee
Lots of game workers know what unions are and what they've accomplished, but they tend to view that as something that happened in another time.
Uber and Lyft drivers demand their rights as employees
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By: Marilyn Bechtel
Market Street, this city's main thoroughfare, resounded with auto horns and chants Aug. 27, as a stream of cars bearing Uber and Lyft markers cruised slowly past Uber's headquarters.
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