President Trump is rising in the polls with a huge enthusiasm advantage over presumptive Democratic nominee former Vice President Joe Biden. On Monday, President Trump‘s approval ratings stood at 51 percent, according to Rasmussen. In comparison, former President Barack Obama only had a 44 percent approval rating at the same point of his presidency. President Trump is also way up on Joe Biden among their respective supporters. According to a recent Economist/YouGov poll, only 40 percent of Joe Biden’s supporters were enthusiastic about their candidate, compared to 68 percent of President Trump’s supporters being enthusiastic about him. |
There should be no surprise that Joe Biden’s own supporters aren’t enthusiastic about him. Biden almost never leaves his basement, and when he does, he often forgets where he is or what he’s supposed to say. He’s become an empty vessel for the far-left socialists like Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York), who have completely taken over the Democratic Party. President Trump’s rise in the polls should come as no surprise. The president has led America throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and has done all he can to ensure the safety of the American people and strength of the American economy. |
President Trump’s COVID-19 Response: President Trump has worked decisively to save American lives and to protect jobs throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The Trump Administration is on track to produce a coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year, if not sooner. Several pharmaceutical companies, including AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Pfizer, have entered the final phase of vaccine testing, and the administration is mass producing promising vaccines in advance so Americans can be able to get a vaccine on day one of approval. On Monday, President Trump signed a new Executive Order to further expand access to telehealth services, including in rural areas, during the pandemic. The EO includes investments in infrastructure for rural communications and assists rural hospitals in providing healthcare on a broader scale. |
President Trump has used the power of the federal government to protect the American people from the COVID-19 pandemic since day one. We saw this when he restricted travel from China back in January, when he launched Operation Warp Speed in an unprecedented effort to create a vaccine by the end of the year, and when he saved more than 51 million jobs by creating the Paycheck Protection Program. Thanks to President Trump’s bold leadership, we are winning the war against this invisible enemy. As we have consistently said, America is at war with COVID-19, and President Trump has proven himself to be the wartime president we need. |
Hire American Executive Order: On Monday, President Trump signed an executive order to curb the tech industry’s abuse of the H-1B visa program. Some businesses, especially in the tech sector, misuse the H-1B visa program to bypass American workers. The H-1B visa is meant for employers struggling to hire Americans for special occupations, including in the tech industry. Employers will hire foreign workers through this program from countries like China where the pay and cost of living are much lower than here in America. Because they are accustomed to earning lower wages in their home countries, foreign employees will often work for much less than American workers are willing to, stifling wages to the point that Americans can’t afford to take those jobs – creating a never-ending cycle. The president’s EO will require federal agencies to focus on American labor for lucrative federal contracts and will close loopholes so that employers can no longer bypass American workers for foreign labor. |
President Trump is doing everything he can to protect American workers as we recover from the coronavirus pandemic. As Americans re-enter the workforce, the last thing they need is undue competition from our foreign competitors. Just a few months ago, President Trump temporarily halted immigration into the United States until the end of the year. He also eliminated incentives for illegal aliens to enter America for job opportunities. President Trump is without a doubt the jobs president and is fulfilling his promise to make the federal government work for the American people. |
Joe Biden Embraces Communism: Former Vice President Joe Biden is openly embracing the socialists and communists within the Democratic Party. Representative Karen Bass (D-California) – who has a long history of praising Fidel Castro and his dictatorial communist regime in Cuba – is a frontrunner to be Joe Biden’s running mate this election. Bass has admitted to growing up around and being influenced by members of the Communist Party, even calling communist Oneil Cannon a “mentor.” Biden has also formed a unity platform with Senator Bernie Sanders that is essentially a socialist manifesto that includes open borders, abolishing America’s energy sector, abolishing school choice, and granting amnesty to all the illegal aliens living within the United States. Bob Avakian, the founder and leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party, even recently endorsed Joe Biden for president.
Joe Biden has revealed himself as nothing more than a Trojan horse for the Democratic Party’s far-left base. He is openly embracing the socialists and communists who are riding roughshod over the Democratic Party. It cannot be overstated how shameful it is that Joe Biden is considering a politician who has praised communists, and traveled extensively to Communist Cuba, to run with him as his vice-presidential pick. Thousands of Cuban Americans risked their lives to escape communism to live here in the United States, and Joe Biden is completely disregarding the hardships they escaped from to make it here. This is the Joe Biden running against President Trump in November. There is no place for communism here in America. |
Mail-In Voting Fraud: Democrats across the nation are using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to try and rig the November election through mail-in voting. A vote-by-mail system is plagued with issues that allow people to manipulate ballots. In New York, the Democratic primary race for Rep. Carolyn Maloney’s seat took place in June, but the results were not certified until last night. In California’s presidential primary back in March, more than 100,000 mail-in ballots were completely rejected. And in Maryland, 75,000 counted ballots recently disappeared from the state’s website where they were located. Democrats know mail-in voting is ripe for fraud and systematic failure but are still pushing for it throughout the country. Democrats recently rushed vote-by-mail legislation through the Nevada Legislature, with the Democratic governor signing it into law on Monday. Americans are not happy about what is happening, and President Trump has announced plans to sue Nevada in order to ensure a free and fair election for everyone. |
Democrats know they can’t beat President Trump fair and square this November and are doing their best to rig the election in their favor. Joe Biden is a weak candidate who doesn’t stand a chance against President Trump’s record over the last three and a half years. In hindsight, Democrats never got over their 2016 defeat. They used the fake Russia hoax to attempt to overturn the 2016 election and then tried to remove President Trump from office earlier this year. No wonder they are trying to radically change our voting system less than 100 days before the election. Democrats are terrified that the American people will re-elect President Trump, which is exactly what will happen. |