As COVID-19 surges, secret police violate our rights with impunity, and millions are losing their health care, we need to stick together and fight back.
If we don’t take power back from Trump and the corporate elite who have allowed systemic racism, income inequality, and environmental collapse to accelerate — we could lose our country as we know. Tonight at 8:00 p.m. ET, we’re hosting a virtual Our Revolution DC organizing meeting to discuss this critical fight and we hope you can join us.
RSVP now to reserve your spot at our official Our Revolution DC Organize to Win Meeting!

Virtual Our Revolution DC Organize to Win Meeting Tuesday, August 11th, 2020 8:00 p.m. ET
As Bernie said, change always comes from the bottom up. That’s why we need YOU to join our movement.
RSVP here to join our virtual meeting later today to learn how you can help save our democracy and fight for a progressive future!
When we organize, we win! Our Revolution 