Tuesday, August 11, 2020
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Is Your Faith Essential?
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America is at a tipping point. Religious liberty is under siege.
Pastor John MacArthur is facing increasing threats from California bureaucrats because he dared to reopen his church.
"This is not the America that I've known for many, many decades," MacArthur said in a recent interview. "It's just a bizarre reality. . ."
He's not alone. Pastor Rob McCoy is under a court order not to reopen his church, with local officials vowing to fine the first 1,000 people who show up.
This is not the America I know, and it is not the kind of country I want my children and grandchildren to inherit.
But it is the future the radical left is creating for us.
It is no coincidence that these outrageous assaults on religious freedom are happening in Democrat-dominated states like California, Illinois and Nevada. The left doesn't value religious freedom or the Constitution.
As Pastor MacArthur put it, "Liquor stores were essential, abortion clinics were essential . . . but the church was not essential."
We MUST defend our religious freedom!
We MUST defeat the radical left!
Please stand with me now as we stand with President Trump!