I wanted to reach out to thank all of our supporters who have stepped up and joined our voter outreach efforts as volunteer phone bankers!

John -- if you haven’t already, sign up to join MILLIONS of Californians in the fight to close corporate tax loopholes, and bring back $12 billion a year to our students, families, and essential workers >>>



We built this campaign with real people who are ready to end corporate handouts and invest in our schools and communities, and we're relying on our online supporters to see our vision through >>>

We make it easy. We’ll get you trained and give you all the tools you’ll need to ensure Prop 15 pases.

If you’ve already got plans for one of those days, don’t worry, we get it. That’s why we’ve added multiple phone banking times and days to best fit your schedule.

So what do you say -- can we count on you to help us contact voters?



Thanks for your support!

-- Sebastian Silva

Digital Director

Schools & Communities First Coalition


You're receiving this email from the Yes on 15 - Schools and Communities First Initiative Campaign. Please click here if you no longer wish to receive updates and information from our campaign. 

The Yes on 15 - Schools & Communities First initiative reclaims $12 billion every year for California’s schools and local communities by closing commercial property tax loopholes benefiting a fraction of corporations and wealthy investors. The initiative benefits residents and small businesses by exempting homeowners and renters from any changes while implementing new tax relief for small businesses.

 Paid for by Yes on 15 - Schools and Communities First sponsored by a Coalition of Labor Groups and Social Justice Organizations Representing Families, Students and Essential Workers Committee major funding from:

California Teachers Association

SEIU California State Council

Chan Zuckerberg Advocacy

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