MARCH ON PAC is dedicated to increasing voter turnout and driving Democrats to the polls. Our data-driven solutions helped win back the house in 2018, and now we’re sprinting to turnout the vote in record numbers to Defeat Donald Trump. Click here to make a donation and help us take back our democracy.

Politico: Trump Aides Exploring Executive Actions to Curb Voting by Mail

WE’RE SO SCARED FRIEND → It was just reported that Trump is directing his administration to take action against Vote-By-Mail in November.

He’ll do ANYTHING to steal another election from Democrats -- so sick!

So we’re standing tall with our Democratic allies in Congress to PASS Vote-By-Mail and save our election from Trump’s Warpath.

THIS. IS. URGENT. Donate NOW to Stop Trump from DESTROYING Vote-By-Mail:

250%-MATCH: $5 >>
250%-MATCH: $25 >>
250%-MATCH: $50 >>
250%-MATCH: $100 >>
250%-MATCH: $250 >>

Fighting for what’s right.


Thank you for supporting MARCH ON PAC. Our Women-Led Team is working day-and-night to register and turnout millions of voters this year to Hold the House, Take Back the Senate, and Kick Trump out of the White House for GOOD.

In 2017, we marched for women’s rights. In 2018, we rallied for gun reform, marched on the polls, and elected the most progressive House in history. In 2019, we went on strike for the climate. In 2020, we’ll vote for a future built on racial and economic justice and an end to government corruption. We will reject the politics of hate and the patterns of racism that threaten our democracy, turning the pain of economic and social division into action.
Together, we will vote for the future we want.

If you really want to go, click here to unsubscribe from our activist list. If you’d like to donate to help us elect our endorsed Democratic Candidates, click here.

From the entire MARCH ON Team -- thank you for your support!