RESTART Act Continues Gaining Support

Last week, I continued pushing for inclusion of my RESTART Act in the next coronavirus relief package. Now with 54 bipartisan cosponsors, the RESTART Act has support of the majority of the United States Senate. It also gained the support of more than 100 prominent businesses leaders, many who began their careers at small businesses. I joined Squawk Box on CNBC and MSNBC Live with Stephanie Ruhle to discuss how this bipartisan proposal will help America’s struggling small businesses and the millions of Americans they employ. The HEALS Act, which was introduced last month by Senate Republicans, contains concepts of the RESTART Act, but more must be included in order to provide long-term stability for our local restaurants, manufacturing operations, and the small and medium sized businesses that are the pillars of our communities. 


Click here or on the image above to hear my full interview on CNBC.


Click here or on the image above for my full interview on MSNBC. 

Educational & Training Opportunities for Workers 

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to threaten our economy, Hoosier businesses and workers are left with few places to turn. We must invest in our workforce and equip workers with the right skills for high-demand jobs. That’s why I introduced the bipartisan Upskilling and Retraining Assistance Act with Senator Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) to boost the amount of tax-free educational assistance that employees in workforce development programs can receive from their employer. This will help scale up workforce development programs and provide more training for American workers during this pandemic and as the economy begins to recover. 

AT HOME Act to Help Offset Remote Work Expenses

On Wednesday, I introduced the Advancing Teachers and Home Office Modernization for Employees (AT HOME) Act to help alleviate some of the costs Americans have incurred as they work from home due to the coronavirus. The coronavirus pandemic has forced countless teachers and other Americans to work from home, and many have had to upgrade their technology out of their own pocket. My bipartisan bill would help the many employees and employers who have had to make this unexpected investment. Click here to learn more. 

VIDEO: Free Speech is Essential to Democracy 

The freedom to raise our voices and state our opinions, to disagree and debate is what makes us American. Free people become and stay free through open dialogue and the exchange of information and ideas, even ones we disagree with. We are free because we study our history and celebrate its highs and learn from its lows.

Last week, I announced I will begin recognizing notable pieces of Indiana’s history. It may be through a floor speech, or a resolution, or a social media post. The purpose will be to recognize and better understand Indiana’s part of America’s story, and to remember the Hoosiers who helped write it.

Click here or the image below to view my full remarks on the Senate Floor. 


Social Media Recap 





Join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for regular updates.

Thank you for the continued privilege to serve you in the U.S. Senate. My mission is to fight on behalf of Hoosiers and the interests that are unique to our state. I look forward to working with you, and sharing our progress, in the days ahead. 

In Service,



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