Did you see Anita's email yesterday about her 18-point promise to bring accountability and transparency back to our district and country?

I wanted to send it along in case you missed it. Plus, here is a snippet of her interview on The Damage Report about the pledge.
Anita is out spreading our message and talking to voters about Congressman Schweikert's voting record. She is working nonstop because she knows what is at stake. I'm trying to help with our August fundraising deadline so she can continue engaging with our community.

With just days left, can you help with a contribution today? We need $2376 more to reach our goal. 

Thank you and I hope to see you at next week's Town Hall.

Jen Buck
Chief of Staff

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Anita Malik  <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Aug 28, 2019
Subject: [STOP CORRUPTION] My 18-point plan

Hi John

No town halls, an ongoing ethics investigation, and questionable spending of our taxpayer dollars ... Congressman Schweikert continues to show disregard for his role as a representative for Arizona's 6th district.

Our Democracy can’t be for sale and our representatives must be beholden only to us. I will fight to end corruption and corporate influence over our government and restore our voices in the process.

Yesterday, I released my 18-point promise to do just that. In it, I list the commitments I will honor as your candidate, and if elected, as our representative in Congress.

Here are a few of my promises. I will:  

    • Offer continued transparency and refuse corporate PAC money
    • Hold quarterly town halls
    • Post our office’s spending and budget priorities online for constituent review
    • Place a lifetime ban on lobbying for former members of Congress
    • Require tax returns of elected and appointed officials during their tenure
    • Promote matching public funds for small donors and disclose dark money to empower our voices
    • Serve as Treasurer of our campaign, along with two co-treasurers and a compliance firm to ensure full accountability. I will be informed, involved and accountable

Let's take back our Democracy, together.
