In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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MPs have backed amendments which require the government to liberalise abortion and extend same-sex marriage to Northern Ireland if devolution is not
The two contenders to become the next prime minister have revealed whether they back legal marriage equality for same-sex couples and extending abortion
rights in Northern Ireland in a TV interview.
The next prime minister will be spared any temptation to interfere in senior church appointments after a change in the rules passed by the C of E's general
The Church of England's diocesan bishops should not be involved in deciding the outcome of individual safeguarding cases, the independent chair of the
national safeguarding panel has said.
All heterosexual couples in England and Wales will be offered the chance to "convert" their marriages to civil partnerships, or vice versa, under plans being
considered by ministers.
An independent strictly Orthodox Jewish school has been downgraded to 'inadequate' after inspectors found that it will not talk about same-sex orientation.
A council in north-west London has unanimously adopted the definition of Islamophobia proposed by the all-party parliamentary group on British Muslims.
A Tunisian politician vying to become his country's first openly gay president has said he will push to decriminalise gay sex. The law against gay sex is
regularly enforced in the overwhelmingly Muslim country.
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