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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 10 July


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Secularism in the media


Abortion and same-sex marriage moves for Northern Ireland backed by MPs

MPs have backed amendments which require the government to liberalise abortion and extend same-sex marriage to Northern Ireland if devolution is not restored.



Jeremy Hunt appears to back NI votes while Boris Johnson rejects them

The two contenders to become the next prime minister have revealed whether they back legal marriage equality for same-sex couples and extending abortion rights in Northern Ireland in a TV interview.

Pink News


Anti-LGBT protest parents return to Parkfield Community School gates in Birmingham

Protests have started up again at the gates of Parkfield School in Birmingham following a decision to reintroduce inclusion lessons.

Birmingham Live


Prime minister will not have choice of archbishop

The next prime minister will be spared any temptation to interfere in senior church appointments after a change in the rules passed by the C of E's general synod.

The Times (£)


Bishops not qualified to adjudicate on safeguarding cases, says head of safeguarding panel

The Church of England's diocesan bishops should not be involved in deciding the outcome of individual safeguarding cases, the independent chair of the national safeguarding panel has said.

Church Times


Heterosexual couples may be allowed to convert marriages to civil unions

All heterosexual couples in England and Wales will be offered the chance to "convert" their marriages to civil partnerships, or vice versa, under plans being considered by ministers.

The Guardian


Doctor to take government to court for being sacked over transgender remarks

A doctor is taking the government to court claiming he was sacked for refusing to call transgender patients by their preferred gender.

Birmingham Live


Twitter bans dehumanising religious insults from posts

Twitter is updating its rules against religious hate speech by banning posts that contain dehumanising language.

Evening Standard


Strictly Orthodox Jewish school downgraded to inadequate for not talking about same-sex orientation

An independent strictly Orthodox Jewish school has been downgraded to 'inadequate' after inspectors found that it will not talk about same-sex orientation.

The JC


Brent Council in north London adopts APPG definition of Islamophobia

A council in north-west London has unanimously adopted the definition of Islamophobia proposed by the all-party parliamentary group on British Muslims.

Harrow Times


Two teenagers charged with blasphemy in Pakistan

Two Pakistani Christian teenagers have been arrested on charges of blasphemy.



LGBT+ campaigner bids to become Tunisia's president

A Tunisian politician vying to become his country's first openly gay president has said he will push to decriminalise gay sex. The law against gay sex is regularly enforced in the overwhelmingly Muslim country.



Latest from the NSS


Seventh Day Adventist schools warned over safeguarding concerns

Two independent Seventh Day Adventist schools have been warned by the government over safeguarding concerns.


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