The scale of this injustice is astonishing. Nine out of ten land animals killed for food are chickens. Every one of these animals feels fear and pain just like our beloved pets.
I know it’s a lot to take in. So let me ask you this: If you could change just one animal’s life today, would you help her? Would you choose to save her from the agony of having her legs broken as they’re snapped into shackles, the terror of a knife to her throat, or the trauma of being boiled alive?
The reality is, a single donation in support of The Humane League’s work can help achieve so much more than this. With you by our side, we can pressure the biggest meat companies to end these abuses.
Every day these atrocities are allowed to continue, more animals suffer. But change is possible. Thank you for being the change for animals.
David Coman-Hidy
P.S. If you haven’t yet, click here to add your name to our campaign to end the worst abuses faced by animals in slaughterhouses.