More leaps in consolidating fascism: Mail-in voting in the US has a .0006 incidence of fraud, but Trump claims millions will vote illegally. He's openly proposed delaying the election, and says he won't promise to accept the results. His campaign and the Republican Party have been preparing for years to suppress votes from Black & Latinx voters, including with armed "poll watchers," while they accuse Democrats of massive fraud. Trump says his words ARE the law.
The outcome in Belarus yesterday - where the 24-year president Lukaschenko claimed to have won 80% of votes for re-election despite massive support for the opposition - shows that we can't passively wait to see how Trump moves to stay in power. The last ten weeks of protest by an estimated 15 million in this country shows we can mount mass, sustained, non-violent protest.
Everyone concerned about justice & all movements for justice into the streets September 5 together to demand Trump/Pence Out Now...
We start Saturday September 5: TrumpPenceOutNOW! This Regime Must GO!
“We have everything to lose if we wait, but everything to gain if we act now to bring millions into the streets refusing to accept a fascist America.
There are two futures before us. Which one we get is up to us.”
United Nationwide mass protest plans:
Add your city here.
New York City 5:00 pm Union Square Facebook event
Atlanta 4:00 pm King Center Facebook event
Austin 6:00 pm State Capitol Facebook event
Boston 4:00 pm Copley Square Facebook event
Chicago 5:00 pm Federal Plaza Facebook event
Cleveland 5:00 pm Market Square Facebook event
Detroit 5:00 pm Spirit of Detroit Facebook event
Honolulu 9:30 am Kaka'ako Gateway Park Facebook event
Houston 4:00 pm City Hall Facebook event
Los Angeles 2:00 pm Trump star @Hollywood & Highland Facebook event
Philadelphia 5:00 Independence Mall Facebook event
San Francisco 12:00 pm Embarcadero Plaza Facebook event
Seattle 2:00 pm Westlake Park Facebook event
>> Download & distribute flyer for September 5
> > Sign up to join the TrumpPenceOutNOW contingent in Washington DC August 28 for "Get Your Knee Off Our Necks" March. The beautiful uprisings against white supremacy and police killing of Black people this summer mean this march will be BIG. Join the team to spread the demand:TrumpPenceOutNOW and organize for Labor Day weekend's protests, until the fascist Trump/Pence regime is out of power.
Latest Inside with OUT NOW podcasts:
Subscribe for important interviews with scholars, activists, and journalists on the Trump/Pence regime.
Amid increasingly ominous signs that the Trump/Pence regime is undermining US elections, issues a call for nationwide protest on September 5 demanding Trump/Pence Out Now. Members of the Editorial Board (@CocoDas @Carl_Dix @AfterDaylight) discuss why and how these protests are being organized.
Plus, attorney, writer, and self-identified "Angriest Black Man in America" Michael Coard speaks with Sam Goldman about uprooting structural racism and the urgency of the moment we're in now with a fascist regime in power. Follow him @MichaelCoard and read his latest article on Trump's fascism is sprinting, not creeping, toward Philly and other big cities.
“If NOW isn’t the time to be in the streets nonviolently demanding the immediate ouster of this regime, when IS?”

Shop the #OutNOW Shop
New Black Trump/Pence #OutNOW Mask
Set a political & public health example $15.00

also OrangeTrump/Pence #OutNOW Mask $15.00
Trump/Pence OutNOW t-shirts $15.00
All cotton, men's and women's styles national team 917 407 1286