
No, you’re not imagining it: the mail really has gotten slower. There are widespread reports of delays across the country, but it’s not because of the coronavirus.

It’s because Republicans have finally gotten their years-long wish of sabotaging and privatizing the United States Postal Service.

  • Trump’s handpicked postmaster general and major campaign donor, Louis DeJoy, has succeeded in cutting off billions of dollars of funding for the USPS.
  • DeJoy canceled overtime and instructed mail carriers to leave undelivered mail at distribution centers overnight.
  • Trump called the Postal Service a “joke.”
  • On Friday night, DeJoy FIRED several top Postal Service executives and reshuffled dozens of key leadership positions throughout the agency to centralize power around himself.

Will you join us in calling on Trump to stop sabotaging the Postal Service?

More Americans will be voting by mail in 2020 than ever before, and we need to know that Postal Service employees are getting everything they need to safely and efficiently do their jobs.

And it wouldn’t hurt if the people running this federal agency—and many others—actually wanted that agency to succeed.

Now, just a few short months from the most important election of our lifetimes, Trump is trying to undermine the Postal Service so that he can keep Americans from voting by mail and question the legitimacy of the results.

It’s disturbing and couldn’t be happening at a worse time.

Add your name to our petition to tell Trump and his administration to end the attacks on the Postal Service.

Thank you,

Team Moulton