Dear Friend,
I’m writing to personally thank you for your continued support. From moments of fear and violence to times of resilience and celebration, you have helped us support LGBTQ youth through it all.
With your help, this year we’ve been able to make great strides toward our mission to end suicide among LGBTQ young people. We continue to serve the significant increase in LGBTQ youth reaching out since the start of the pandemic, and we brought our 24/7 phone lifeline and office operations fully remote for the first time in our 22-year history. And while June didn’t look like a typical Pride month, we continued to work around the clock to ensure more LGBTQ youth received the support they deserve from trained crisis counselors, whenever and wherever they need it.
The Trevor Project published new resources to continue supporting the mental health of Black LGBTQ youth during a time of increased national attention to the systemic racism and unjust violence that Black people face in this country. We also debuted leading-edge research from our National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health, which had more than than 40,000 respondents. And our advocacy team is supporting the passage of the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act, which will change the National Lifeline number to 988 and make it easier to access life-saving support. The bill will also require the Lifeline to offer specialized services for groups at greater risk of suicide — specifically including LGBTQ youth.
Just by being a part of our online community, you’re helping us reach more LGBTQ youth. Without supporters like you, our work would not be possible. I am grateful to have you on Team Trevor as we work together to end LGBTQ youth suicide.
These times can cause uncertainty and instability, but we know we can always rely on you. We thank you.
With gratitude beyond words,
Amit Paley
CEO & Executive Director
The Trevor Project