Please join IPA and the DNP of Colombia for a discussion and Q&A on the RECOVR survey results in Colombia.
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Hi John,

A reminder to please join Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) and the Colombian National Planning Department (el Departamento Nacional de Planeación de Colombia, en español) tomorrow, August 11, for the following webinar. Thank you to those who have already registered.
Please note: This webinar will take place in Spanish.
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How is COVID-19 affecting Colombian families, businesses, and educators? How are different regions managing their response? How has the educational system accommodated remote learning? How can policymakers assess the effectiveness of government assistance and plan for long-term economic recovery?

These and other questions have been at the forefront of decision-makers’ minds while forming policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia and elsewhere. To respond to this need, IPA developed the RECOVR survey—a panel survey designed to facilitate comparisons, document real-time trends of policy concern, and inform decision-makers about the communities that are hardest hit by the economic toll of the pandemic.

This webinar will discuss the results of the first round of the RECOVR survey in Colombia from the policymaker and researcher perspective. The presentation will be followed by a discussion and Q&A. The results of the first round of the survey can be found here.

This webinar is part of IPA's RECOVR Webinar Series: Bringing Evidence to COVID-19 Policy Responses in the Global South. Together with our partners, we are using this series to rapidly share what we are learning with the policy and research community to support evidence-informed response efforts. More information about other events in the series is available here.

  • Daniel Gómez Gaviria, Sectorial Deputy Director, Colombian National Planning Department
  • Ana María Ibáñez, Professor, School of Economics, Universidad de los Andes and Economics Principal Advisor, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Sebastián Chaskel, Director, Peace & Recovery Program, Innovations for Poverty Action
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