Dear Friend,

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everything in our day to day lives. Many changes have occurred across all industries in our country. Education is not immune to having to make those same changes. All summer long school leaders have been meeting to come up with the best solution to getting students back into school buildings. 

Local school districts are making decisions they never had to consider prior to COVID. No plan or decision is perfect and schools should have some ability to make their own decisions without the state legislators threatening to cut funding like our national leaders have done. Of course, we live in Indiana where the state legislature chooses time and time again to not fully fund our public schools. It isn't surprising that Indiana Senate leader Rodric Bray came out telling school leaders that they could lose funding if they make the decision to remain virtual. Our governor continues to say that schools will still receive 100% of their funding, but it does bring into question what the legislature will do come January or in a special session. This is yet another reason why we desperately need advocates for public schools in the statehouse. During this time, schools already have many obstacles in the way. Our state should not be threatening to add more. 

Check out John Hurley's "Back to School 2020" statement below:

Many schools in District 75 will be going back to in person learning for the first time since March 13 this week. During this unprecedented time, I ask everyone for their patience on behalf of all Indiana Schools. Whether your child will be going back to school in person or virtually, learning will look very different this year.

Administrators and teachers, along with students and their parents, will be adapting as we continue to navigate through this pandemic. Across the state this summer teams of teachers, administrators, and school boards have been working with their county health departments to develop plans for returning to school buildings this fall. We have seen that some schools in our state have not made it back into their buildings and others who have returned, only to end up having to move to virtual learning, as a result of outbreaks within the buildings. All of these decisions have occurred with the guidance of county health departments in Indiana. Local control is an important aspect in the make up of our government structures, and schools should be able to listen to their county health departments without the added stress of losing funding.

Traditional public schools should not feel forced to open school buildings when the county health department is telling them it is not safe, nor should the virtual learning options within the public school be looked at as saving money. Unlike normal virtual schools, when traditional public schools transfer their learning from in person to virtual they are providing students with devices and internet access. Many school districts have added internet hot spots to buses and school buildings to allow students and their families to access the internet from outside of the school buildings. The majority of Indiana school districts went into the month of July anticipating they would have students in the school buildings on the first day of school. As such, school districts have purchased enormous amounts of PPE as part of their original plans to open in person.

This school year will probably more disrupted than the previous one and it is important that schools have the ability to make the decision that protects their students, staff, and communities. No decisions will be made lightly and we all desperately hope we get to stay in our classrooms this year. Please be patient and understand our schools are in a difficult position right now and will do everything they can to the best of their ability. 
John Hurley
Candidate for State Representative
Indiana House District 75

John Hurley is the advocate our public schools need in the state legislature. For back to school week, tell 5 or more of your family and friends about John Hurley and why he is the right choice for the constituents of District 75!

Reminder: John Hurley is hosting a meet and greet at River City Brew Works in Rockport, IN this Thursday at 6 pm. Find more information here!

Thank you for your continued support,

Jessica Hurley
Hurley 4 Hoosiers Campaign
District 75

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