
Hello from Big Sandy, Montana. We’re making good progress on the harvest here on the farm. Should be done with the red spring wheat soon.

I haven’t had a whole lot of time to think about fundraising while I’ve been back in Montana, but my team tells me we’re a little short of where we usually are at this time of the month.

With the end-of-month deadline coming up in a few days, that’s not great news. But I know this grassroots team can help close this gap.

Will you pitch in right now to make sure we reach our August fundraising goal? Anything you can contribute will help >>


I’ve got to get back out on the tractor now, but I want to thank you for everything you’re doing.

Grassroots contributions power all the work we’re doing to get big money out of politics for good and make sure Washington works for regular folks. It means a lot to me that you’re in this fight too.

Talk soon,

— Jon