Also: NAFCU urges IRS to exclude fringe benefits from proposal; New network for cybersecurity and IT professionals

The News You Need Daily

August 10, 2020

This week: NAFCU active as Phase 4 negotiations continue
Even though a majority of members are back home in their states and districts, the Administration and Congressional leaders are expected to continue discussions on a Phase 4 coronavirus relief package this week to provide additional support for consumers, workers, and small businesses. Among the issues NAFCU is pushing to get included in the package is an automatic forgiveness process for loans under $150,000 made as part of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and an extension of the CARES Act provisions for the Central Liquidity Facility (CLF) and Troubled Debt Restructurings (TDRs).

NAFCU urges IRS to exclude fringe benefits excise tax from proposal
NAFCU Senior Regulatory Affairs Counsel Kaley Schafer wrote to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Friday to urge against the notice of proposed rulemaking regarding an excise tax on excess executive compensation for tax-exempt organizations.

NAFCU launches complimentary, member-only cybersecurity and IT network 
NAFCU remains committed to helping credit unions serve their members amid the coronavirus pandemic and has launched a new member-only online community – the NAFCU Cybersecurity and IT Network – specifically to foster a culture of information sharing and connection. The new network joins the association's five longstanding online networks – offered to member credit unions at no additional cost – spanning a variety of credit union professions, including human resources, lending, compliance, CFOs, and marketing.

Watch Condoleezza Rice keynote Virtual Congressional Caucus
Then provide insights to Congress on how to help CUs grow.
Keynote presentation with support by Allied Solutions

Watch Condoleezza

NAFCU updates PPP FAQs as forgiveness process begins
Following the end of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) paycheck protection program (PPP) – which is no longer accepting loan applications as of Aug. 8 – NAFCU has updated its FAQs on the program, including new questions regarding loan forgiveness and a new section on PPP fraud.

Unemployment rate sees slowdown in July
The U.S. economy exceeded expectations by adding 1.8 million jobs in July. NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long – in a new NAFCU Macro Data Flash report - credited the sharp slowdown to inaction on a new fiscal stimulus package and school closures.

Credit interchange limits, new controls on CU overdraft protection, and more
Don't let these burdens get piled onto CUs as a result of the recession. Attend NAFCU's Virtual Congressional Caucus and advocate for CUs.

Macroeconomic Snapshot for Credit Unions with Mastercard
The Chief Economist and Head of the Mastercard Economics Institute shares insights on the macro-economic impact of COVID-19 at the national, regional and local levels.

CDFI Certification: A Door to external resources to expand your credit union's capacity to serve its community
Complimentary Webinar
What Internal Auditors Have Learned from the Pandemic and What They Should Do Going Forward
Complimentary Webinar
Comments Due to NAFCU: NCUA - Strategies for Future Examination and Supervision Utilizing Digital Technology
Important Regulatory Date
Social Media – All Platforms Should Not Be Treated Equally
Opening Membership Accounts Online




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